Sunday, December 30, 2012

16 - Curved Beams and Rings

16-1 Bending in the Plane of Curvature
16-2 Castigliano's Theorem
16-3 Ring Segments with One Support
16-4 Ring with Simple Supports
16-5 Ring Segment with Fixed Ends

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

17 - Seals

17-1 Elastometric Seal Rings
17-2 Seals for Rotary Motion
17-3 Seals for Reciprocating Motion

Thursday, December 20, 2012

18 - Flywheels

18-1 Flywheel Usage
18-2 Sizing the Flywheel
18-3 Stress
18-4 Flywheels for Energy Storage
18-5 Strength and Safety

Saturday, December 15, 2012

1 - Introduction and Basic Concepts

1-1 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
1-2 Engineering Heat Transfer
1-3 Heat and Other Forms of Engery
1-4 The First Law of Thermodynamics
1-5 Heat Transfer Mechanisms
1-6 Conduction
1-7 Convection
1-8 Radiation
1-9 Simultaneous Heat transfer
1-10 Problem-Solving Technique

19 - Limits and Fits

19-1 Introduction
19-2 Metric Standards
19-3 U.S Standard - Inch Units
19-4 Interference-Fit Stress
19-5 Absolute Tolerances
19-6 Statistical Tolerances

Monday, December 10, 2012

2 - Heat Conduction Equation

2-1 Introduction
2-2 One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation
2-3 General Heat Conduction Equation
2-4 Boundary and initial Conditions
2-5 Solution of Steady One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Problems
2-6 Heat Generation in a Solid
2-7 Variable Thermal Conductivity, k(T)

20 - Power Screws

20-1 Introduction
20-2 Kinematics
20-3 Mechanics
20-4 Buckling and Deflection
20-5 Stresses
20-6 Ball Screws
20-7 Other Design Considerations

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Critical Thinking

Operations Management. Williams J. Stevenson.

Nature is always our best mentor.

The photo illustration was chosen because the stream symbolizes the flow of work through the
system. An important goal for operations systems is to achieve a smooth flow of work through the system. And just as rocks in the stream on the photo disrupt the smooth flow of water and causes turbulence, inefficiencies, variability, and uncertainties in operations systems cause problems that disrupt the smooth flow of work through the system, increasing time and cost, and decreasing  productivity and customer service.The flow concept applies not only organizations, but also to their supply chains.

3 - Steady heat Conduction

3-1 Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
3-2 Thermal Contact Resistance
3-3 Generalized Thermal Resistance Networks
3-4 Heat Conduction in Cylinders and Spheres
3-5 Critical Radius of Insulation
3-6 Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
3-7 Heat Transfer in Common Configurations

21 - Threaded Fasteners

21-1 Screw Threads
21-2 Bolts
21-3 Screws
21-4 Nuts
21-5 Tapping Screws