Monday, February 25, 2013

5 - Computational Considerations

5-1 Introduction
5-2 An Algorithmic Approach to Design
5-3 Analysis Tasks
5-4 Mathematical Tasks
5-5 Statistical Tasks
5-6 Optimization Tasks
5-7 Simulation

8 - Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy

8-1 What is Physics
8-2 Work and Potential Energy
8-3 Path Independence of Conservative Forces
8-4 Determining Potential Energy Values
8-5 Conservation of Mechanical Energy
8-6 Reading a Potential Energy Curve
8-7 Work Done on a System by an External Force
8-8 Conservation of Energy

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

6 - Wear

6-1 General Principles in Design for Wear Resistance
6-2 Steps in Design for Wear Life Without Selecting Materials
6-3 Wear Equations
6-4 Steps in Selecting Material for Wear Resistance
6-5 Material - Selection Procedure

9 - Center of Mass and Linear Momentum

9-1 What is Physics ?
9-2 The Center of Mass
9-3 Newton's Second Law for a System of Particles
9-4 Linear Momentum
9-5 The Linear Momentum of a System of Particle
9-6 Collision and Impulse
9-7 Conservation of Linear Momentum
9-8 Momentum and Kinetic Energy in Collisions
9-9 Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension
9-10 Elastic Collisions in One Dimension
9-11 Collisions in Two Dimension
9-12 System with Varying Mass : A Rocket

Friday, February 15, 2013

7 - Solid Materials

7-1   Structure of Solid
7-2   Atomic Bonding Forces
7-3   Atomic Structure
7-4   Crystal Imperfections
7-5   Slip in Crystalline Solids
7-6   Mechanical Strength
7-7   Mechanical Properties and Tests
7-8   Hardness
7-9   The Tensile Test
7-10 Tensile Properties
7-11 Strength, Stress, and Strain Relations
7-12 Impact Strength
7-13 Creep Strength
7-14 Mechanical-Property Data
7-15 Numbering Systems

10 - Rotation

10-1 What is Physics ?
10-2 The Rotational Variables
10-3 Are Angular Quantities Vectors ?
10-4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
10-5 Relating the Linear and Angular Variables
10-6 Kinetic Energy of Rotation
10-7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
10-8 Torque
10-9 Newton's Second Law for Rotation
10-10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy

Sunday, February 10, 2013

8 - The Strength of Cold-Worked and Heat-treated Steels

8-1 Introduction
8-2 Strength of Plastically Deformed Materials
8-3 Estimating Ultimate Strength after Plastic Strains
8-4 Estimating Yield Strength after Plastic Strains
8-5 Estimating Ultimate Strength of Heat-Treated Plain Carbon Steels
8-6 Estimating Ultimate Strength of Heat-treated Low-Alloy Steels
8-7 Tempering Time and Temperature Tradeoff Relation
8-8 Computer Programs

11 - Rolling, Torque, and Augular Momentum

11-1 What is Physics ?
11-2 Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
11-3 The Kinetic Energy of Rolling
11-4 The Forces of Rolling
11-5 The Yo-Yo
11-6 Torque Revisited
11-7 Angular Momentum
11-8 Newton's Second Law in Angular Form
11-9 The Angular Momentum of s System of Particles
11-10 The Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotation about a Fixed Axis
11-11 Conservation of Angular Momentum
11-12 Precession of a Gyroscope

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

9 - Usability

9-1 Designing for Human Body Size
9-2 Designing for Human Body Posture
9-3 Designing for Reach and Mobility
9-4 Designing for Human Force and Power
9-5 Designing for Fast and Accurate Control Activation
9-6 Designing Labels and Warnings
9-7 Designing for Vision
9-8 Designing for Material Handling
9-9 Conclusion