Thursday, September 19, 2013


Lover of Wisdom
Religion - Philosophy - Science

What made change possible ?
Natural Phenomenon - Nation - Individual

What is the universe made of ?

1.How could human know something beyond sense perception ?
Plato : Form of Theory, Allegory of Cave

2.What can we know ?
Descartes : I think, therefore, I am.

3.What is the limit of human reason ?
Kant : Critique of Pure Reason

4. What should we do ?
Kant : Critique of Practical Reason

5.What can we hope for ?
Kant : Critique of Judgment

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Truth and Reality

Philosophy : Love of Wisdom.

What is Truth and Reality ?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1 - Tension, Compression, and Shear

This telecommunication tower is an assemblage of many members that act primarily in tension and compression.

0 - Content


Principle of Economics

The word " Economy " comes from the Greek word for " one who manages a household ".

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nippon Economy

During 1945-1990, Japan was the most stable country in economy and politic, after the collapse of Soviet Union the environment began to change, the following will subvert your knowledge.

Friday, April 5, 2013

12 - Kinematics of a Particle

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Rectilinear Kinematics : Continuous Motion
12.3 rectilinear Kinematics : Erratic Motion
12.4 General Curvilinear Motion
12.5 Curvilinear Motion : Rectilinear Components
12.6 Motion of a Projectile
12.7 Curvilinear Motion : Normal and Tangential Components
12.8 Curvilinear Motion : Cylindrial
12.9 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
12.10 Relative-Motion of Two Particles Using Translating Axes

Ch 1 - An Introduction to the Use of Finite Element Procedures

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Physical Problems, Mathematical Models, and the Finite Element Solution
1.3 Finite Element Analysis as an Integral Part of Computer-Aided Design
1.4 A Proposal on How to Study Finite Element Methods

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

2 - Vectors, Matrices, and Tensors

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Introduction to Matrices
2.3 Vector Spaces
2.4 Definition of Tensors
2.5 The Symmetric Eigenproblem
2.6 The Rayleigh Quotient and the Minimax Characterization
2.7 vector and Matrix Norms
2.8 Exercises

2 - Motion Along a Straight Line

2-1 What is Physics ?
2-2 Motion
2-3 Position and Displacement
2-4 Average Velocity and Average Speed
2-5 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
2-6 Acceleration
2-7 Constant Acceleration : Speed Case
2-8 Another Look at Constant Acceleration
2-9 Free-Fall Acceleration
2-10 Graphical Integration in Motion Analysis

1 - Introduction and Basic Concepts

1-1 Thermodynamics and Energy
  • Applications Areas of Thermodynamics
1-2 Importance of Dimensions and Units
  • Some SI and English Units 
  • Dimension Homogeneity 
  • Unity Conversion Ratios
1-3 Systems and Control Volumes
1-4 Properties of a System
  •  Continuum
1-5 Density and Specific Gravity
1-6 State and Equilibrium
  • The State Postulate
1-7 Processes and Cycles
  • The Steady-Flow Process
1-8 Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
  • Temperature Scales 
  • The International Temperature Scale of 1990
1-9 Pressure
  • Variation of Pressure with Depth
1-10 The Manometer
  •  Other Pressure Measurement Devices
1-11 The Barometer and Atmospheric Pressure
1-12 Problem-Solving Technique


3 - Vectors

3-1 What is Physics
3-2 Vectors and Scalars
3-3 Adding Vectors Geometrically
3-4 Components of Vectors
3-5 Unit Vectors
3-6 Adding Vector by Components
3-7 Vectors and the Laws of Physics
3-8 Multiplying Vectors

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2 - Energy Conversion and General Energy Analysis

2-1 Introduction
2-2 Forms of Energy
  •  Some Physical Insight to Internal Energy
  •  Mechanical Energy
  • More on Nuclear Energy
2-3 Energy Transfer by Heat
  • Historical Background on Heat
2-4 Energy Transfer by Work
  • Electrical Work
2-5 Mechanical Forms of Works
  • Shaft Work, Spring Work
  •  Work Done on Elastic Solid Bars
  •  Work Associated with the Stretching of a Liquid Film
  •  Work Done to Raise or to Accelerate a Body
  • Non-mechanical Forms  of Works
2-6 The First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Energy Balance
  • Energy Change of a System
  • Mechanism of Energy Transfer
2-7 Energy Conversion Efficiencies
2-8 Energy and Environment
  •  Ozone and Smog
  • Acid Rain
  • The Greenhouse Effect : Global Warming and Climate Change

0 - Machine Design

M-16 V.S AK-47.
Totally different machine design concept.

No Right or Wrong , Just Advantage and Disadvantage.

4 - Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

4-1 What is Physics
4-2 Position and Displacement
4-3 Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity
4-4 Average Acceleration and Instantaneous Acceleration
4-5 Projectile Motion
4-6 Projectile Motion Analyzed
4-7 Uniform Circular Motion
4-8 Relative Motion in One Dimension
4-9 Relative Motion in Two Motion

Friday, March 15, 2013

5 - Force and Motion - I

5-1 What is Physics ?
5-2 Newtonian Mechanics
5-3 Newton's First Law
5-4 Force
5-5 Mass
5-6 Newton's Second Law
5-7 Some Particular Forces
5-8 Newton's Third Law
5-9 Applying Newton's Laws

1 - Introduction : Standard, Codes, Regulations

1-1 The Designer and the Designer's Problems
1-2 Decisions and Their Identification
1-3 Adequancy Assessment
1-4 Communication of Engineering Information
1-5 Legal Considerations in Design
1-6 Standards, Codes, and Governmental Regulations in Design
1-7 Sources of Standards, Codes, Governmental Regulations, Indexes, and Standardization

6 - Force and Motion - II

6-1 What is Physics ?
6-2 Friction
6-3 Properties of Friction
6-4 The Drag Force and Terminal Speed
6-5 Uniform Circular Motion

2 - Statistical Considerations

2-1 Introduction
2-2 Histographic Evidence
2-3 Useful Distributions
2-4 Random-Variable Algebra
2-5 Stochastic Endurance Limit by Correlation and by Test
2-6 Interference
2-7 Numbers

7 - Kinetic Energy and Work

7-1 What is Physics ?
7-2 What is Energy ?
7-3 Kinetic Energy
7-4 Work
7-5 Work and Kinetic Energy
7-6 Work Done by Gravitational Force
7-7 Work Done by a Spring Force
7-8 Work Done by a General Variable Force
7-9 Power

3 - Measurement and Inference

3-1 The Measurement Problem
3-2 Definition of Measurement
3-3 Standards of Measurement
3-4 The Measuring System
3-5 Calibration
3-6 Design of the Measurement System
3-7 Selected Measurement-System Components and Examples
3-8 Sources of Error in Measurement
3-9 Analysis of Data
3-10 Confidence Limits
3-11 Propagation of Error or Uncertainty

Friday, March 1, 2013

4 - Numerical Methods

4-1 Numbers
4-2 Functions
4-3 Series
4-4 Approximations and Error
4-5 Finite-Difference Approximations
4-6 Numerical Integration
4-7 Curve Fitting for Precision Points
4-8 Curve Fitting by Least Squares
4-9 Curve Fitting for Several Variables
4-10 Interpolation
4-11 Root Finding

Monday, February 25, 2013

5 - Computational Considerations

5-1 Introduction
5-2 An Algorithmic Approach to Design
5-3 Analysis Tasks
5-4 Mathematical Tasks
5-5 Statistical Tasks
5-6 Optimization Tasks
5-7 Simulation

8 - Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy

8-1 What is Physics
8-2 Work and Potential Energy
8-3 Path Independence of Conservative Forces
8-4 Determining Potential Energy Values
8-5 Conservation of Mechanical Energy
8-6 Reading a Potential Energy Curve
8-7 Work Done on a System by an External Force
8-8 Conservation of Energy

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

6 - Wear

6-1 General Principles in Design for Wear Resistance
6-2 Steps in Design for Wear Life Without Selecting Materials
6-3 Wear Equations
6-4 Steps in Selecting Material for Wear Resistance
6-5 Material - Selection Procedure

9 - Center of Mass and Linear Momentum

9-1 What is Physics ?
9-2 The Center of Mass
9-3 Newton's Second Law for a System of Particles
9-4 Linear Momentum
9-5 The Linear Momentum of a System of Particle
9-6 Collision and Impulse
9-7 Conservation of Linear Momentum
9-8 Momentum and Kinetic Energy in Collisions
9-9 Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension
9-10 Elastic Collisions in One Dimension
9-11 Collisions in Two Dimension
9-12 System with Varying Mass : A Rocket

Friday, February 15, 2013

7 - Solid Materials

7-1   Structure of Solid
7-2   Atomic Bonding Forces
7-3   Atomic Structure
7-4   Crystal Imperfections
7-5   Slip in Crystalline Solids
7-6   Mechanical Strength
7-7   Mechanical Properties and Tests
7-8   Hardness
7-9   The Tensile Test
7-10 Tensile Properties
7-11 Strength, Stress, and Strain Relations
7-12 Impact Strength
7-13 Creep Strength
7-14 Mechanical-Property Data
7-15 Numbering Systems

10 - Rotation

10-1 What is Physics ?
10-2 The Rotational Variables
10-3 Are Angular Quantities Vectors ?
10-4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
10-5 Relating the Linear and Angular Variables
10-6 Kinetic Energy of Rotation
10-7 Calculating the Rotational Inertia
10-8 Torque
10-9 Newton's Second Law for Rotation
10-10 Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy

Sunday, February 10, 2013

8 - The Strength of Cold-Worked and Heat-treated Steels

8-1 Introduction
8-2 Strength of Plastically Deformed Materials
8-3 Estimating Ultimate Strength after Plastic Strains
8-4 Estimating Yield Strength after Plastic Strains
8-5 Estimating Ultimate Strength of Heat-Treated Plain Carbon Steels
8-6 Estimating Ultimate Strength of Heat-treated Low-Alloy Steels
8-7 Tempering Time and Temperature Tradeoff Relation
8-8 Computer Programs

11 - Rolling, Torque, and Augular Momentum

11-1 What is Physics ?
11-2 Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined
11-3 The Kinetic Energy of Rolling
11-4 The Forces of Rolling
11-5 The Yo-Yo
11-6 Torque Revisited
11-7 Angular Momentum
11-8 Newton's Second Law in Angular Form
11-9 The Angular Momentum of s System of Particles
11-10 The Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotation about a Fixed Axis
11-11 Conservation of Angular Momentum
11-12 Precession of a Gyroscope

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

9 - Usability

9-1 Designing for Human Body Size
9-2 Designing for Human Body Posture
9-3 Designing for Reach and Mobility
9-4 Designing for Human Force and Power
9-5 Designing for Fast and Accurate Control Activation
9-6 Designing Labels and Warnings
9-7 Designing for Vision
9-8 Designing for Material Handling
9-9 Conclusion

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

10 - Safety

10-1 Why Safety
10-2 What is Safety
10-3 Hazard, Risk, and Danger
10-4 Designer's Obligation
10-5 Human Factors/Ergonomics
10-6 Summary

Friday, January 25, 2013

11 - Minizing Engineering Effort

11-1 Introduction
11-2 Reducing The Number of Experiments
11-3 Similitude
11-4 Optimality
11-5 Quadrature
11-6 Cheaking

Sunday, January 20, 2013

12 - Strength under Static Circumstances

12-1 Permissible Stresses and Strains
12-2 Theory of Static Failure
12-3 Stress Concentration
12-4 Fracture Mechanics
12-5 Non-ferrous Metals
12-6 Stochastic Considerations

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

13 - Strenght under Dynamics Conditions

13-1 Testing Methods and Presentation of Results
13-2 SN Diagram for Sinusoidal and Random Loading
13-3 Fatigue-Strength Modification Factors
13-4 Fluctuating Stress
13-5 Complicated Stress-Variation Patterns
13-6 Strength at Critical Locations
13-7 Combined Loading
13-8 Surface Fatigue

Thursday, January 10, 2013

14 - Fundamental of Arc Welding

14-1 Definitions and Terminology
14-2 Basic Welding Circuit
14-3 Arc Shielding
14-4 Nature of the Arc
14-5 Overcoming Current Limitations
14-6 Commericial Arc-Welding Processes
14-7 Arc-Welding Consumables
14-8 Design of Welded Joints
14-9 Codes and Specifications for Welds

Saturday, January 5, 2013

15 - Instabilities in Beams and Columns

15-1 Euler's Formula
15-2 Effective Length
15-3 Generalization of the Problem
15-4 Modified Buckling Formulas
15-5 Stress-Limiting Criterion
15-6 Beam-Column Analysis
15-7 Approximate Method
15-8 Instability of Beams