Saturday, June 30, 2012

5 - Idea Model of Engine Cycles

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Ideal Models of Engine Processes
5.3 Thermodynamics Relations for Engine Processes
5.4 Cycle Analysis with Ideal Gas Working Fluid with Cv and Cp
  • 5.4.1 Constant-Volume Cycle
  •  5.4.2 Limited and Constant-Pressure Cycles
  • 5.4.3 Cycle Comparison
5.5 Fuel-Air Cycle Analysis
  • 5.5.1 SI Engine Cycle Simulation
  •  5.5.2 CI Engine Cycle Simulation
  • 5.5.3 Results of Cycle Calculations
5.6 Overexpanded Engine Cycles
5.7 Availability Analysis of Engine Processes
  • 5.7.1 Availability Relationships
  • 5.7.2 Entropy Changes in Ideal Cycles
  • 5.7.3 Availability Analysis of Ideal Cycles
  • 5.7.4 Effect of Equivalence Ratio
5.8 Comparison with Real Engine Cycles

6 - Designing with Plastics

6.1 Design Methodology
6.2 Layout/Drawing
6.3 Constraints
6.4 Materials Choice
6.5 Prototyping

Friday, June 29, 2012

A The Aircraft

Ch 1 General Description
Ch 2 Systems and Equipment
Ch 3 Aircraft Serving
Ch 4 Aircraft Operating Limitations


Condensed Version.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MARP Vehicle

Tactics, Techniques, and Procedure.

Cougar Hardened Engineer Vehicle

Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle
Cougar Hardened Engineer Vehicle (6x6 HEV)

Monday, June 25, 2012

7 - Thermoplastic Materials (Commodity Plastics)

7.1 Polyethylene (PE)
7.2 Polyethylene Copolymers
7.3 Polypropylene (PP)
7.4 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
7.5 Polystyrene (PS)
7.6 Alloys and Blends

Saturday, June 23, 2012


This grammar is for anyone who is interested in the English language and how it works. Many
people will come to this book because they are learning English and trying to master the structure
of the language. As soon as they have enough practical English to master the text, they will find
this grammar helpful to them although it has been written primarily for students of advanced level.

Tales of the Gun

Tales of the Gun is the TV series on the " History Channel ".  I wrote brief contents of
each episode and incorporated some pictures to it. Hope this TV series help me
understand the history.

The gun has played the critical role in history. An invention which has been praised and denounced... served hero and villain alike... and carries with it moral responsibility. To understand the gun is to  better understand history.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Large Binocular Telescope

Large Binocular Telescope-Big Bigger Biggest.1.Collecting Light 2.Mirrors 3.Tracking
4.Transporting the Mirror 5.Temperature 6.Atmosphere

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6 - Gas Exchange Processes

6.1 Inlet and Exhaust Processes in the Four-Stroke Cycle
6.2 Volumetric Efficiency
  • 6.2.1 Quasi-Static Effects
  • 6.2.2 Combined Quasi-Static and Dynamic Effects
  • 6.2.3 Variation with Speed, and Valve Area, Lift, and Timing
6.3 From Through Valves
  • 6.3.1 Poppet Valve Geometry and Timing
  • 6.3.2 Flow Rate and Discharge Coefficients
6.4 Residual Gas Fraction
6.5 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate and Temperature Variation
6.6 Scavenging in Two-Stroke Cycle Engines
  • 6.6.1 Two-Stroke Engine Configurations
  • 6.6.2 Scavenging Parameters and Models
  • 6.6.3 Actual Scavenging Processes
6.7 Flow Through Ports
6.8 Supercharging and Turbocharging
  • 6.8.1 Methods of Power Boosting
  • 6.8.2 Basic Relationships
  • 6.8.3 Compressors
  • 6.8.4 Turbines
  • 6.8.5 Wave-Compression Devices

1 Introduction

1.1 Pre-modern history of Petroleum
1.2 Petroleum in North America
1.3 Development of Lubricants
1.4 Future Prospects

Akashi Kaikyō Bridge

The world's longest suspension bridge and designed to withstand powerful typhoon, tsunami, and earthquake.

8 - Thermoplastics Materials (Engineering Plastics)

8.1 Cellulosics
8.2 Polyamides  or Nylons (PA)
8.3 Acetals or Polyoxymethylenes (POM)
8.4 Thermoplastic Polyesters (PET/PBT)
8.5 Polycarbonate (PC)
8.6 Acrylics (PAN, PMMA)
8.7 Fluoropolymers (PTFE, FEP, PFA)
8.8 High-Performance Thermoplastics

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Antonov An-124

The largest aircraft in the world.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Tractor, Airplane, Space Shuttle...

Sun Engine

Concentrated Solar Power.  PS10 Solar Power Plant.

Ice Breaker - Big Bigger Biggest

One by one, travel by the scale, we will reveal incredible stories behind these ships.


The attack submarine USS Annapolis (SSN 760) rests in the Arctic Ocean after surfacing through three feet of ice.

Pennsylvania Ballistic Missile - Big Bigger Biggest,
Virginia Class Submarine - Megastructures.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Discovery Channel : " Who Sank the Titanic "

American Chopper

Orange County Choppers. Reality television series.
This episode is fabulous to watch, the OCC team come to Germany to visit the AMG  factory.

Command & Control - Ground Warfare

The terrain itself has the essential role. Both in attack and defense, the command must use the landscape to his advantage.

Battle Machines - Ground Warfare

Reactive Armor
This episode would show how the vehicle evolves in the battlefield history.
I always think the history class that should be taught like this in the school.
More room to think, and more interesting avoiding snoozing ~ ~

Horten Ho 229 - Hitler's Stealth Fighter

Horton Ho 229

It was the first pure " Flying Wing "  powered by a " Jet Engine ". 

Firepower - Ground Warfare

Basically, the artillery is like the gigantic " Shock Absorber "  to counteract the recoil. 

Battle of 73 Easting - Greatest Tank Battles

This episode features " 3D Computer Generated Imagery " .
I thought the greatest application is the " GPS "  that navigated the tanks to move in the desert.

My Channel

BBC, Discovery , National Geographic, History Channel.PBS

TGV-Big Bigger Biggest

Put the locomotive on the chassis that becomes " Train".
Put the motor on the chassis in the city that becomes " Mass Rapid Transportation ".
Put the high powerful motor on the chassis running over 300 km/h that become " Bullet Train ".
Sometimes, it doesn't matter what you call the moving objects. Names is just only the names.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.  William Shakespeare.


Quench ~ Enjoy the life. Even the world is torn and shaken, it's waiting for you to awake.

V12-Engine (Perfect Balance)

V12 Engine !! German Tiger Tank, Soviet Union T-34, North America P-51 Mustang.
Why didn't America sports car such as Chevrolet Corvette or Dodge Viper use V12 engine ??

Hong Kong International Airport - Engineering Connections

WWII Bomber, Cold War Spy Box, Brass Trumpet, Vintage Racing Cars

Millau Bridge - Engineering Connections

This viaduct is monumental and extraordinary bridge. Record Breaking.
The lightning, The frying pan, The nuclear submarine,

Millau Viaduct-Megastructure

Three daunting challenges.
The tallest piers in the world. Put the deck on the piers. Build the pylons.
If you are on the top of the Effel Tower, you still look up the awesome viaduct.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rio Antirio Bridge-Megastructures

Rio Antirio Bridge. Megastructures - Impossible Bridge.

HMS Illustrious-Engineering Connections

Aircraft Carrier. Keep the deck level is very important for aircraft.

Earthquake Proof Bridge - Engineering Connections

Rion Antirion Bridge. Greece One of the longest bridges in the world. It crosses some of the
most active earthquake  fault lines in Europe.  Without some unprecedented engineering, that
bridge would still be a dream. There is no solid bed rock means no solid foundations. The hammock, A fizzy pop can, A toboggan, An incense, A steel chimney.

The World-Archipelago

Travel over the world with Megastructures Program is totally different from the  tour guide books.
The world only can be built by natural elements. Dubai wanted their own islands. For future investors, The World is the perfect project for building the dream in the exclusive environment. This would become top-tour destination in the world. The original plan is to create seven continents in a certain section. But, they quickly realize that no one would buy the large shape of the island. Instead of dividing it into several sand dunes.

Tower of the Arabs

Push every involvement to the limit. Dubai has three assets that are Sun, Sand, Sea. The crown wanted the country to become the exclusive holiday nation. high-End Tourism. The form is simple, but unique. No one has never been built the skyscraper on the littoral island.

Burj Al Arab-Engineering Connections

Extravagant, Sumptuous. This is the paradise of the richest in the world. This is the hotel which
you find it here, any time of year. Man made-Marvel.

Taipei 101- Engineering Connections

Now, the journey of Civil Engineering begins !!!!!! Keep on Running & Explore the World.
A racing yacht, A birdcage, A steam pump, A seat belt, A sports car.

Super Rigs - Petroleum

The floating steel island which wold find petroleum to quench thirsty of the industrial world. EVA-4000. But this machine faces the constant threats. Explosion, Hurricane.

Troll A platform-Engineering Connection

Step by step, case by case, I gradually perceive the thinking of analogies to the objects. No matter what objects are engineer or philosophy. This program which elucidates the principle.