Sunday, June 17, 2012

Warrior Weapons - Ground Warfare


Modern Warfare

Humvee hit by " IED ".

In  military, technologies would play the critical roles, but mental of soldiers are also important.
Designers always seek the ultimate weapons.

4 key factors : Range, Accuracy, Strength, Rate of Fire. From Bow, Crossbow, Firearms, Machine Gun... that all  played around all factors.

These equipment gave the Greece to build the formidable war machine.

The " Musket "  transformed the warfare.

But this musket had the flaw, because it relies on the lighting core and ignition system is dangerous.

When the trigger is pulled.

The metal strikes the plate that produces the spark.

Detonate the powder charger.

This flame ignites the main powder charge launching the musket ball sown the barrel.

All starts from the Revolution War.


The ball is spinning in flight. One of the basic principles of physics is that spinning object
resists any change in direction and the result is increase range and crucial accuracy.

The rifle barrel is the spiral screw leading the bullet to spin as it leaves the barrel.

Musket. The barrel is smooth.

The spin keeps the projectile stabilized.  The spinning bullet is like the flying gyroscope.

MiniƩ Ball . Wikipedia.

The MiniƩ ball was a conical-cylindrical soft lead bullet, slightly smaller than the intended firearm
barrel's bore. With four exterior " grease-filled grooves " , and a conical hollow in its base.

You can load this weapon almost as quick as smooth ball musket, but it is very accurate.

The hollow base would expand gripping the rifle's screw inside the barrel making the bullet spin.

Powerful industrialization will replace individual craftsman.

Machine tools copy the gun barrel and the outcome is standardization. Identical firearm and
interchangeable components.

M2 Browning 

Gatling Machine Gun

The following pictures captured from : National Geographic " Megastructure - Machine Gun ".

Gun Barrel

Gun Bolt

As the cartridge is fired, Bolt was forced backward by the recoil, then the barrel pushed forward.

Meanwhile, the bolt was pushed forward again by another spring.

Maxim Gun

The great technological break through is it doesn't rely on hand-crank, it self-powered.

The gun recoil forced back the firing lock, in one motion it draws a new bullet from the belt,
and the spent bullet from the firing chamber pushing the new bullet into the firing chamber.

It need the water to fill the jacket to keep the barrel cool.

This is volume not accuracy.

Interlocking Fire

Maxim gunners sweep the battlefield from side to side where their zone is fired across.
Soldiers face the double incoming bullets. The combination of the " Machine Gun ", " Trenches ", " Artillery ", and " Barbed Wire "  define the war.

Thompson Sub-Machine Gun

" Ak-47 "  VS " M-16 "
Ak-47 indicates the lower-tech weapon can in some case be highly effective.

Tolerance gave " Ak-47 " to be allowed firing in the dirty environment. Ak-47 is the simplicity means everyone can learn to use it.

In " Mechanical Engineering ",   " M-16 V.S Ak-47 "  is fascinating issue to consider.


Ceramic Plate

The combination of " Kevlar " and " Ceramic Plate "  had stopped the power of the bullet.

Night Vision Goggle.

History of soldier's weapon
" Tolerance "  of weapon design.  Ak-47  V.S M-16


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