Mass production, it is like other industries in the world.
The knife is the critical tool for the butcher.
The iron contained over 1% carbon called the steel.
Heat treatment.
Heat treatment change the physical state of the steel.
Tempering. To soften (as hardened steel or cast iron) by reheating at lower temperature.
The imagine is used check the quality of the meat.
Inject nitrogen or other gases into the carcass to help separate the muscle from the bone and
make disassemble easy.
Vacuum Package Facility.
The device used to improve the atmosphere of the meat.
Enhanced Meat.
Enhanced meat, sometimes referred to as value-added meat, is any meat product that has been “enhanced” by the addition of a solution. In the United States, enhanced meat must be properly labeled according to the Food and Drug Administration’s guidelines. There are a couple of different methods in which meat can be enhanced.
Typically, enhanced meat is simply a cut of meat that has been injected with a water solution that contains
salt and
sodium phosphate, a solution that is supposed to add both flavor and moisture to leaner cuts of meat. Such enhanced meat products are labeled accordingly and often bare words similar to “enhanced with up to 10% of a solution.” Meat animals are bred to be leaner than in years past and the addition of a solution, which constitutes enhanced meat products, helps make meat containing less fat moister and more flavorful.
For more information :
What is Enhanced Meat ??
General speaking, this process is like you modify your car performance.
Crosshead Machine. Using the shear force to calculate the tender of the meat.
Mass produced sausage.
If chilling of the meat is necessary, dry ice is preferable to wet ice since in a dry or semi-dry sausage we are trying to lose moisture rather than add additional moisture. It may be necessary during the grinding steps to re-chill the meat if it is not sufficiently cold to produce good particle distinction. During the grinding process it is common to use a coarse grind to initially promote uniform distribution of fat followed by a second or final grind. The final grinding step will often call for a finer grind, say 1/8 inch for the lean meat with a 3/16 inch grind for the fatter meats. This system likewise reduces the possibility of smearing.
For more information :
Dry and Semi-Dry Sausage Technology
Sausage Stuffers.
As a safeguard against mad cow disease, the skulls, brains vertebral columns and spinal
cords of cattle thirsty months of age or older are prohibited in the U.S food supply.
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