Thursday, August 2, 2012

Walt Disney World - Modern Marvels


The Disney designed the network tunnels to service the parks. Utility Corridor. Because the
water level, in the central Florida, is only two feet below ground level, the engineer built the
corridors on the ground, rather than under it. They are on ground level and the first floor of the magic kingdom. And then the magic kingdom were built on the second and third

The utility corridors made possible from one park to another park in just ten minutes without
being seen by guests.

They also pre-fabricated the spire of the tower.

The robot would imitate the human motion.
If the motion of the robot is too fast that would shock, they slowed down the motion to create
the smoothly and naturally motion.  But they still want the speed and the control of the robot.
Let us see how do they do !!
They install circuit compliant.
Abe Lincoln.  Audio-Animatronics Abraham Lincoln. Walt Disney.
Audio - Animatronics.

The actual Audio-Animatronics Abraham Lincoln figure that made its debut in the 1964/1965 New York World’s Fair. Regular guests will spot historic costumes, props and models that are new to the show, along with a glimpse of exciting new projects and a sneak peek into future adventures.

** I want to say something about the robot in Taiwan. One of the professors in Taiwan
    universities said the fucking shit is we are the first one to invent the robot drama.
    Just let me piss fucking it !! Holy Shit !! 


This device is like the flight simulator which can make guests enjoy the flight experience.
Note that the over head vent would blow the wind to the guests which increased the real
scenario experience.
But, I have the ideal, can they make the G-Force to the guests ?? 
Auto-Guided Vehicle

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