Saturday, June 16, 2012

HMS Illustrious-Engineering Connections

Aircraft Carrier. Keep the deck level is very important for aircraft.

Gyroscope, Accumulator


The faster the gyroscope spins, the more stable it is.

As the ship pitches or rolls, the stabilized fins would adjust to keep the ship level.

Pump energy to the accumulator.

The Accumulator stored energy, as you need it release.

Look at the height of the Dumbbell is dropping down in return for lifting the bridge.

The blue bottles are the accumulators.

Fire the car.
Aircraft Carrier Nimitz Class : Catapult

Water molecule has small objects like bacterial, virus... So, use the membrane which has microscopic holes  only allows pure water molecule to pass. All they have to do is force water through the membrane .

Goalkeeper Gun. Gatling Gun
Image the Gatling gun is very similar with several semi-riffle guns point at the same target.

Magnetic mines didn't need to contact with ships to explode, by changing the surrounding
magnetic field can trigger the magnetic mine.

German believed that they had secret weapons to win the war.

All steel ships have natural magnetic signature.

Engineers installed with the coils to produce opposite currents to counteract the magnetic signature.

The will become magnetically invisible.

Gyroscope : Stabilize the ship
Accumulator: Aircraft Carrier Elevator, Catapult
Gatling Machine Gun : Goalkeeper
Magnetic Mine :
Desalination :



Until this episode, I have known four major " Antonym ".
1. Wind Tunnel (Airplane is still, Wind moves) Real (Airplane moves, Wind is still)
2. NASA Sound Suppression System (Droplets in the air)
    Submarine Anechoic Coating (Air bubbles in the water)
3. Desalination (Reverse Osmosis)
4. Magnetic Mine (Reverse currents to counteract the magnetic signature)
5. The nose of Space Shuttle is Blunt, instead of Acute.

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